Tuesday, August 4, 2009


have always been a thing for me. To give them (and possibly too many to the children at times) and to make them for myself and others. As you know i have had my family here visiting for 5 weeks...but the ideas to create have certainly not left my dreaming space...:) So...what will it be. I do need to add to the creative tank some ideas for the Quilt Swap i have joined. I am really looking forward to dragging out my sewing machine for this one. It is something i have meant to do for a very long time. Quilt that is. I bought half a quilt store some years ago, and have dreamt of making both my girls a quilt. That of course along with a zillion other beautiful creative visions. Then there is my ever so messy paper space calling out to me...LOL ...and birthdays coming up ...the shed which i promised to start on the minute my family left, which is currently housing a very large cutting bench and much loved accumulated STUFF!!! AND as i am conciously trying to eliminate 'stuff' i go to a business meeting yesterday only to be told by another attendee "NEVER THROW OUT ANYTHING"....i know ...i should not listen. Too many things to mention....then i look over the top of my computer to see the most beautiful pink sunrise emerging......better get on those running shoes. Back later...x

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I have only really concientiously started de cluttering in the last 12 months but many a time have gone looking for something later only to remember oh ...I never used that so off it went. Both options have merit, I am not in a position to advise ;)


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